Associate Professors/Professors (PhD) - University-associated
Valérie Buée-Scherrer is a protein biochemist and cell biologist interested in protein aggregates in Tauopathies and Fronto-Temporal Lobe Degeneration (FTLD). Morvane Colin is a cell and molecular biologist interested in gene transfer, currently through viral vectors. She recently developed new animal models of Tauopathies.using this approach. She is particularly interested in Tau secretion and spreading. Sophie Halliez (Inserm Chair) is a neurobiologist and has interests in prion-like propagation. Malika Hamdane has interests on Tau proteolysis and the role of these truncated Tau species in biological and physiological functions. Bruno Lefebvre has special interests in epigenetics in Tauopathies. Didier Vieau is a full professor with interest in endocrinology and metabolism.
Associate Professors and Professors (DMD/PharmD/MD) - University&Hospital-associated.
Prof. Vincent Deramecourt is a neurologist and neuropathologist. Claire-Marie Dhaenens is a Pharmacist who has worked on Myotonic Dystrophy and is starting a new project on MAPT gene epigenetics. Thibaud Lebouvier is a neurologist with interest in frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Bernard Sablonnière is a Professor of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. He has interest in neurodegenerative disorders with triplet expansions. He is also in charge of the protein biomarkers at the hospital for AD diagnosis. Susanna Schraen-Maschke is a pharmacist who has focused her research on the use of biomarkers in the diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders. Most of the findings identified in the laboratory are then quickly translated to the hospital. Vincent Huin is a medical geneticist and biochemist. Marie Dubar is interested in periodontal disease.
Engineers, assistant & technicians
Séverine Bégard (Inserm engineer), Raphaëlle Caillierez (Univ engineer), Sébastien Carrier (Univ technician), Sabiha Eddarkaoui (Univ engineer). and Emilie Faivre (Univ Research Engineer)
Luc Buée is a French scientist (CNRS Research Director). Head of the Inserm laboratory « Alzheimer & Tauopathies » at the Lille Neuroscience & Cognition Research Centre, University of Lille, France.
He has worked on Alzheimer disease and related disorders for more than twenty five years. He started his work on the role of proteoglycans in Alzheimer's disease with a PhD training at Mount Sinai Medical Center, NYC. He was then involved in the initial characterization of tau aggregates among neurodegenerative disorders. He has then developed experimental models to better understand tau aggregation and propagation. His group is currently working on the atypical Tau functions, the pathophysiological consequences of neurofibrillary degeneration in Alzheimer disease and Tauopathies.
Luc Buée is also involved in different scientific advisory boards and operating committees in the field of AD. From 2012-2016, he was also a delegate at the Inserm Board for scientific evaluations in Neurosciences (CSS 6).Since Oct. 2017, he is the vice-president of the French Society for Neuroscience.
In 2013, Luc Buée has been awarded by the Fondation Claude Pompidou for his research on Alzheimer's disesae
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Full time researchers (PhD).
David Blum is research scientist (DR2 Inserm) working on the effects of environmental factors on Tauopathies using experimental models. He has also a specific interest on A2A receptors in neurodegenerative disorders. See his group. Nicolas Sergeant (DR2 Inserm) has interests on the transcriptional and translation aspects of Tau in normal and pathological conditions.They use myotonic dystrophy type 1 as a model of alternative splicing disorder, especially on MAPT. They are currently working on a family of splicing factors involved in Tau alternative splicing of exons 2 and 3.
Marie-Christine Galas (DR2 CNRS) studies new functions of Tau proteins at the plasma membrane and the nucleus. She is currently revising the role of Tau in pathological conditions by using experimental models and molecular approaches.
"Cras elementum ultrices diam."
Alzheimer & Tauopathies - Luc Buée