When family matters... Goedert-Spillantini, Hsu and Rainwater families at the Rainwater Prize ceremony in Washington DC - Tau2020 Global conference.
Richard Rainwater, a true visionary and leader, understood that the research he was funding might not be able to help him directly, but he knew the work was important, cutting edge and was going to inevitably lead to better treatments for patients like him in the future. He therefore dedicated funds to develop a prize program that would launch when the progress in science grew closer to helping patients. Mr. Rainwater passed away in 2015 from progressive supranuclear palsy, yet his legacy lives on in the fight to end neurodegenerative disease.
In February, at the Tau2020 Global Conference, Michel Goedert (MRC LMB Cambridge, UK) received the RAINWATER PRIZE for outstanding innovation in neurodegenerative disease research
Patrick Hsu (Univ California Berkeley) received the Rainwater Prize for innovative early career scientist.
Michel Goedert has been one of the faithful EUROTAU scientists since the existence of the Eurotau meetings. He will be again in Lille at the Eurotau2020.